- Scores available in virtual library
- Downloads of Lilypond re-engraved manuscripts
- Downloads of copyright-free scores
- Scores dedicated or referring to Gottschalk
-Sheet music from Gottschalk's sister, Clara Gottschalk Peterson
Numerous works composed by Gottschalk are little accessible. Indeed, many manuscripts were lost in the confusion that reigned among publishing houses and other testamentaries after the composer's death. However, some are sometimes found in private collections or in some obscure libraries. As Gottschalk begins to escape oblivion, and as more and more researchers and musicians get interested in his work, manuscripts surface.
Nevertheless, it is not always obvious for the mere amateur to find the scores. Gottschalk is still an unknown composer and published collections can only be found in a few libraries that made their acquisition.
Currently, the New York Public Library is the principal owner of the works. If you live in New York, it will be easy for you. Otherwise, you can request copies of works on microfilm. It remains yet very expensive (80 dollars a microfilm).
Within this page you will find the list of major published compendium of scores. We will also find a non-exhaustive list of all existing scores with a direct download when the score is copyright-free (also accessible through the "Works" page ).
For unpublised works or for low-quality manuscripts, we re-engraved the scores with the LilyPond software.
If you know where to find scores, thanks to inform us.
For any information on the works, consult the page : "Works'
Several books are available to find Gottschalk's scores:
Piano Music of Louis Moreau Gottschalk edited by Dover Editions
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Compiled by Richard Jackson, the scores of this collection represent 26 of the most famous works of the composer. The preface is very detailed and the thematic classification of the works is original. We can add that the paper is a very good one. Content : Available at |
A Compendium of piano music edited by Carl Fischel
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This collection, compiled, edited and fingered by the famous Gottschalk's performer, Eugene List, consists of major works with a short notice for each. Content : Â |
Music for piano 4 hands edited by Eugene List
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This 2-volumes collection is edited by Eugene List. Works are annotated and fingered by him. It includes also a biography. Content : |
La Jota Aragonesa & Other Favorites for piano 4 hands edited by Dover Editions
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Also by Dover, this 4-hands collection is more available than List's one though much less complete. Available at |
American Concert Piano Music édité par CD Sheetmusic
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This CD has many Gottschalk's scores (33) as other great american composers. Of course, we have here the strict minimum : no comments, no title page. Price is also minimum so it's a no-risk purchase. Â |
Collected works for piano (Schirmer's Library)
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Content : Available at : Â |
Album for piano (Kalmus)
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Content : Available at : |
Complete Published Songs of Louis Moreau Gottschalk (Margun Music, Inc)
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Compiled by Richard Jackson, as the collection by Dover. Also includes other songs from mid-nineteenth century. Content : Available at : |
Other compendiums are not easily available outide libraries as :
The Little Book of Louis Moreau Gottschalk: Seven Previously Unpublished Piano Pieces (Americana Collection Music Series, No 2)
Content : Romance. - Ballade. - Polka (B-flat) - Chanson du gitano. - Polka (A-flat) - Mazurk. - Ynés
The piano works of Louis Moreau Gottschalk. (Vera Brodsky Lawrence; Â Richard Jackson, 5 volumes of facsimiles edited in 1969 par Arno Press & The New York Times)
Content : "Quite all Gottschalk's published works" :
vol 1 : Amour Chevaleresque, Apothéose, Ardennes, Ballade n°6, Ballade n°7, Ballade n°8, Bamboula ,Bananier, Banjo, Banjo n°2, Bataille, Battle cry of Freedom, Berceuse, La Brise, Caprice élégiaque, Caprice-polka, Carnaval de Venise, Chant de Guerre, Chant du martyr. vol 2 :Chant du soldat , Chasse du jeune Henri, Chute des feuilles, El Cocoye, Colliers d'Or, La Colombe, Columbia, Danse ossianique, Danse des Sylphes, Danza, Dernier Amour, Drums and cannon polka 4 MAINS, The Dying Poet, The Dying Swan, Fairy Land, La Favorita, Forest Glade Polka, Forget me not, La Gallina, Gallina 4 mains, Gitanella, God Save The Queen, Grande Fantaisie sur l’Hymne National Brésilien, vol 3 : Grand Scherzo, Grande Tarentelle 4 MAINS, Grande Tarentelle 2 PIANOS, Guillaume Tell 4 MAINS, Hercule, Home Sweet Home, Hurrah Galop, Hymne portugais, Illusions perdues, Impromptu, Jerusalem, Jeunesse, La Jota Aragonesa, Jota Aragonesa 4 MAINS, The Last Hope, Madeleine, Le Mancenillier, Manchega. vol 4 : Marche funèbre, Marche de nuit, Marguerite, Mazurka Rustique, La Mélancolie, Minuit à Séville, Miserere du Trovatore, Moissonneuse, Morte !!, Murmures Eoliens, (Andante) Nuit des tropiques, O ma charmante, Oberon 4 MAINS, Ojos criollos 4 MAINS, Ojos Criollos, Orfa, Ossian, Pasquinade, Pastorella e Cavalliere, Pensée poétique L’extase, Pensive, Polka de salon, Polonia, Printemps d'Amour, Radieuse, Radieuse 4 MAINS. vol 5 : Rayons d’azur, Reflets du passé, Réponds-moi, Réponds-moi 4 MAINS, Ricordati, La savane, ballade créole, Scherzo romantique, La Scintilla, Ses yeux, polka de concert 4 MAINS, Ses yeux, polka de concert, Solitude, Le Songe d'une Nuit d'Eté, Sospiro, Le Sourire d'une jeune fille, Souvenir de Cuba, Souvenir de la Havane, Souvenir de Lima, Souvenir de Porto-Rico, Souvenirs d'Andalousie, Suis-moi !, Tournament Galop, Tremolo, Union, Vision, The Water Sprite.
Music Library : 19th century American Sheet Music Digitization Project
(Pasquinade , Home Sweet Home , The Dying Poet (2 éditions), The last hope*3, Slumber on baby dear, Forest glade, The banjo)
Marche de nuit, Miserere du trovatore, Berceuse, O Loving Heart Trust On, Ojos Criollos, Slumber on Baby dear, Printemps d'amour, The Banjo, The Dying Poet
Library of Congress (the most complete source of old editions of L.M. Gottschalk's music)
Marche de nuit*4 , Miserere du trovatore , Galop de tournoi, Ricordati, The Dying Poet*2 + version orchestrale, The Banjo*4, Sospiro, Chant du soldat*2, Pasquinade, Célèbre tarentelle, Rayons d'azur, Drums & Cannon polka, Forest Glade, The Water Sprite*2, Scintilla *3, La Brise, One hope for me, Galop de tournoi, Souvenirs d'Andalousie, Jota Aragonesa, Last Hope*3, Jerusalem
Berceuse, Printemps d'amour, Les yeux créoles, Slumber on baby dear
Lester S.Levy (private collection with free access to high-quality manuscripts).
Danse ossianique, Marche de nuit, Dying Poet, Chant du soldat, Banjo, Last Hope, Slumber on baby dear, O Loving heart, trust on
Biblioteca Nacional Digital Brasill (this library includes several scanned works).
Les Naïades (Water Sprite), La Colombe, La Jota Aragonesa, Célèbre tarentelle pour piano et Orchestre (piano), Grande Tarentelle, Ses Yeux, Printemps d'amour, Feu Follet (Forest Glade)
Hercule, Andante de la nuit des tropiques
International Music Score Library Project
A very large source of sheet music uploaded by web-users. It is generally just photocopies of existing books. ( Piano Music of Louis Moreau Gottschalk édité par Dover Editions, American Concert Piano Music édité par CD Sheetmusic...). However, copyright seems to be respected.
A large number of scores can also be found there (L.M. Gottschalk and also S. Heller & al.)
Free edition and re-edition with the software Lilypond
Re-engraved scores by Lilypond only concern sheet music under manuscript form or whose free editions do not exist or only with a low quality. For never recorded works, a midi (converted into mp3) automatically generated by Lilypond is proposed. Considering the work necessary for engraving, your help is welcomed.
Old editions re-engraved by Lilypond (running) :
1. Madeleine ( Ro 140)
A study requiring a good work of thirds of double notes and a good independance of the right hand fingers.
2. The Dying Swan (Op. 100 ; Ro 076)
A relatively easy work whose title, in line with many "lacrymosa" Gottschalk pieces immediately indicates the generated emotions. Here, one can perceive the tragical but majestuous death of a swan.
3.Battle cry of Freedom (Op. 055 ; Ro 062 : version without ossias)
3'.Battle cry of Freedom (Op. 055 ; Ro 062 : version played by Gottschalk)
The original manuscript is so full of ossias that we preferred to engrave two versions, each more clear than the original.
This work, difficult, obviously refers to the american civil war and is almost akin to propaganda. Gottschalk did not dare composing and performing military marches or war songs to inflame troops. Totally abolitionnist and unionnist, he had to play for divided audiences and he always tried, with the greatest diplomacy, to adapt his performances to the audience.
4. Danse ossianique ( Op 12)
One of the first Gottschalk's compositions. Avid of Ossian's works, the famous scottish poet, Gottschalk gives us here a moderately difficult piece. Don't try to dance on it. If the "dancing" theme is very obvious at the beginning and the end, the poetry of the central passage is not really adapted.
5. Vision (Ro 295)
Another study without much difficulty at first, but requiring a great regularity in the performance of sixteenth notes at the right hand.
6. Solitude (op.65, Ro 239)
This piece is in full agreement with its title, a feeling so often present in an artist's life, applauded on the concert stage, then forgotten and travelling at a rhythm never allowing to make lasting relations.
This piece is fairly easy when we control the dynamics and regularity of sixteenth notes which altern between left and right hands.
7. Caprice Espagnol (non referenced)- (MIDI Overview > MP3)
The "Capricho español" is often mismatched, as in Doyle and Offergeld's catalog with "La Jota Aragonesa". Only the article "Gottschalk in Madrid, a tale for ten pianos", mentions the "Capricho español" as a different work. This composition is not unpublished since Madrid publisher, Monier, edited it in 1851. It is therefore surprising that it has never been referenced. We managed to acquire it through the Madrid National Library. It is in fact the first draft of what will be "Souvenirs d'Andalousie". We can notice many similarities but also differences beween the two works. Some passages sound more like "La Jota Aragonesa".
8. Ay! Lunarcitos!! - (MIDI Overview > MP3)
Engraved from the edition by Edelmann availabe in the New York Public Library, this cuban contradanza, dated 1860 or 1862 is very short but has some charm.
9. Marche Funèbre from Escudier's Edition (Musical excerpt from A. Rigal here)
We found this score at the French National Library (BNF). Not rich enough to buy the licence for a public diffusion, we transcribed it with Lilypnd.
This funeral march differs from american editions, op.61 which were more often performed and recorded. Only Amiram Rigal recorded Escudier's edition. With a different opus number, 64, the present edition was given to Escudier by N.R Espadero who rescued a lot of Gottschalk's works from oblivion. Escudier indicates on the title page that it's the "Sole Complete and Exact edition" but we do not know wether american editions are simplifications of Escudier's one or not.
Here we have the addition of 20 measures (62 to 81) with a different, charming melodic line. This version also contains different harmonies, mainly for upper-level chords (measures 24, 25, 27-35, 39-41), some added/removed notes or slightly different rhythms (measures 14, 29, 30, 39), chromatic 32th octaves at the measure 38. Besides, it gives lots of dynamic indications and expressions and some fingerings.
In our transcribed version, we reproduced these indications but omitted pedal marks. We also made some graphical corrections on Lilypond-generated version due to some limitations of the software.
Manuscripts engraved by Lilypond (running) :
1. Le Réveil de l'aigle (D-132) - (MIDI Overview > MP3)
Edited from a manuscript acquired from the New York Public Library, this short composition, signed with the pseudo Paul Ernest (Pseudonym generally used for easy works) has not a real musical and piano interest. Dedicated to Napoleon III, it is necessarily posterior to 1852. The manuscript bears the words "to be engraved immediately". Il est ainsi étonnant qu'aucune publication n'ait été retrouvée. It is therefore surprising that no publication was found.
2. Exercice journalier pour délier les doigts - (MIDI Overview )
Gottschalk and Espadero had started writing a piano method (never finished). The present exercice that Gottschalk played (according to his sister) every night when sitting at the piano may be his sister Clara's work. As indicated by its name, this exercice may be useful to train before playing Gottschalk's repertoire. The MIDI Overview is only indicative as it is a very repetitive exercice uninteresting to listen to.
3. Faust, grande valse de concert, d'après Gounod (D-53) (Coming soon)
Written under the pseudonym of Oscar Litti (indicating once again the simplicity of this composition) this transcription, not to be confused with "Marche de Faust", offers few innovations and just gave 19th century amateur pianists a way to discover this waltz. L'enregistrement était inconnu au XIX ème siècle. La transcription pour un instrument si répandu que le piano, lorsqu'elle était facile d'exécution et fidèle à l'original était donc souvent le seul moyen de découvrir et entendre une oeuvre chez soi. A transcription for an instrument so widespread as piano, when it was of easy execution and faithful to the original theme was often the only way to discover and listen to a work at home. Cette pièce n'avait donc peu vocation à être jouée en concert. This little piece was certainly not performed in concert. Maintenant que les CDs, mp3... Now that CDs, mp3 ... existent, cette transcription perd beaucoup de son intérêt. exist, this transcription loses much of its appeal.
4. Tannhauser March, piano part C (D152) - (MIDI Overview > MP3)
Played for 4 pianos in New York on April 20th, 1863, this score correspond to the part played by the fourth piano, perhaps Gottschalk. Cette marche a ensuite été adaptée pour 31 pianistes et orchestre. This march was then adapted for 31 pianos and orchestra. Difficile de reconstituer l'oeuvre sans les parties A,B et D mais cela reste un joli aperçu. Difficult to reconstruct the work without parts A, B and D but this is a nice preview.
5. Las patitas de mi sobrina ("The feet of my niece") - (MIDI Overview > MP3)
30 measures forming an unfinished outline of a work probably intended to be more important. Quelques accompagnements à la main gauche ont été reconstruits. Some left hand accompaniments were reconstructed.
6. March - (MIDI Overview > MP3)
Short 4 hands composition whose manuscript is the work of a copyist. Comme son nom l'indique, le rythme de la marche est bien présent (accords répétés, répétition d'un thème central...). As its name suggests, the rhythm of the march is present (repeated chords, repetition of a central theme ...). Le deuxième thème a été réutilisé dans la "Marche sollenelle pour orchestre et musique militaire" ( Doyle, A Bibliographical Study and Catalog of Works ) The second theme was reused in the "Marche Solennelle pour orchestre et musique militaire" (Doyle, A Bibliographical Study and Catalog of Works)
7. Fleur de Lys, galop brillant à 4 mains - (MIDI Overview > MP3)
Another composition signed Paul Ernest which does not innovate but is quite catchy.
8. Italian glories : La fille du régiment - (MIDI Overview > MP3)
One of the Italian glories, transcriptions of operas by Donizetti. Elles sont toutes signées Oscar Litti donc sont des oeuvres faciles destinées à être vendues au plus grand nombre mais pas d'être jouées en public. They are all signed Oscar Litti, which means that they are easy works not to be played in public. Versions performed by Gottschalk were certainly of a different scale. Unfortunately, they are lost.
9. Infanta Doña Josefa Walz - (MIDI Overview)
Composed for the king's sister and Castile governor's wife in Valladolid, 1852. It was edited from a manuscript held by the Real Biblioteca of Madrid. Its existence was revealed by Clyde Brockett and you can find a detailed description in his article 'The Madrilene and Vallisolitan Composition of L. M. Gottschalk' (Revista de musicologÃa, ISSN 0210-1459, Vol. 16, Nº 6, 1993, pags. 3554-3567). Doña Josefa was a kind of "patron" for Gottschalk during his tour of Spain. According to Escudier, she offered him diamonds, organised soirees in his honor and found the best surgeons to repair his injured hand. He composed this walz for her. It is an easy four-hand composition and Gottschalk likely played it with Doña Josefa. Too many repeats in this work which is otherwise nicely melancholic.
10. El Silvido (MIDI Overview and Mp3 by EDSO)
This short contradanza must date from the same cuban period as Ay! Lunarcitos. However it was certainly never edited. The melody is easily remembered as most Gottschalk's compositions, particularly in the quite singing second part. The one-page manuscript, from the New York Public Library, had as overleaf what looks like a different contradanza with only the right hand part and in 3/4.
Manuscripts from free editions
Below are manuscripts found in virtual libraries and slightly refreshed or coming from other sources.
They were published before 1923. Some scores come from the Vera-Brodsky & Richard Jackson Collection which is unavailable today. When no re-edition has been made and no copyright is indicated (other than the first edition <1923), the scores are proposed.
You can also find the available scores on the page Works by clicking on the desired title.
Downloadable Manuscripts (editions <1923)
![]() Escudier, 1873 (Source Gallica) ou Ditson, 1864 (Brodsky V., Jackson R., Arno Press) ou Theodore Presser, 1908 | ![]() Oliver Ditson, 1881, éditée par John Forth, 1898. (Sibley Music Library) ou Transcription de Joseffy (Library of Congress) | ||||
![]() Escudier, <1881 (Collection d'EDSO) ou Schott Frères (Brodsky V., Jackson R., Arno Press) Ditson, 1871 | |||||
Scores dedicated or referring to Gottschalk Â
- Nicolas Ruiz Espadero (1832-1890) : Sur la tombe de Gottschalk - ( Library of Congress)
- Nicolas Ruiz Espadero : La Melancolia (dedicated to Gottschalk) - Edited from a hardly readable document in the dissertation "Gottschalk in Cuba" from Rubin and from the CD by Cecilio Tieles.
- Manuel Saumell (1817-1870): Dice que No (in response to Di que Si -Réponds-moi, op.50) -Edited from the document included in the dissertation "Gottschalk in Cuba" by Libby Antarsh Rubin.
- Manuel Saumell : Luisiana (dedicated to Gottschalk and referring to its native land) - Edited from the document included in the dissertation "Gottschalk in Cuba" by Libby Antarsh Rubin.
- Manuel Saumell : Recuerdos de Gottschalk
(These 3 last compositions can be found in the recording by Frank Fernández "Todo Cervantes, Todo Saumell" , Luisiana and Recuerdos de Gottschalk are available at amazon.fr)
- Ricardo Ferreira de Carvalho (1840-): Une larme à Gottschalk
- Henry Maylath (1827-1883) : Elegie sur la mort de Gottschalk
- R. Kelso Carter (1849-1928) : Tribute à Gottschalk - ( Library of Congress)
- Ernesto Nazareth (1863-1934) : Encantador (dedicated to Gottschalk)
- Julius E. Müller (1801-1878) : The Monk's prayer (dedicated to Gottschalk) - (Historic American Sheet Music)
- Oscar M. Newell : Marche Funèbre en hommage à Gottschalk - ( Library of Congress)
- Teresa Carreño (1853-1917) : Gottschalk Waltz - (Collection de Lester S.Levy)
- Lucien Lambert (1858-1945) : Esquisses créoles sur des thèmes recueillis par Louis Moreau Gottschalk, 4 hands version - (Gallica)
- Richard Hoffmann (1831-1909) : In Memoriam LMG
- Jose Vieira do Couto (1837-1898) : O echo da dor : Lamentacao pela sentida morte de Louis Moreau Gottschalk ; Op. 11
- Alfred Jaell (1832-1882) : Romance variée pour piano ; op.13 -1850 (dedicated to Gottschalk)
- Eduardo Bonetti : Pensée poétique pour chant avec accompagnement de piano -1873 (dedicated to Gottschalk)
- Joseph Ascher (1829-1869) : La prise de voile, poème musical pour piano : op.10, 1860 (dedicated to Gottschalk)
- Stefano Golinelli (1818-1891) : Le Carnaval de Bologne, Op. 57 - 1851 (dedicated to Gottschalk)
- Alexandre Goria (1823-1860) : Sérénade du roi Richard. D'après l'opéra d' Ambroise Thomas "Le Songe d'une nuit d'été" ; Op. 56 - 1850-1860
- Gustav Nessler (1853-?) : La Zamacueca , danse nationale du Chili - 1868
- Antonio Cardose de Menezes (1849-1915) : Lacrymosa : Romance sem palavras : A memoria de Louis Moreau Gottschalk : Op. 16
Sheet music from Clara Gottschalk Peterson
In Sylvan Glade : Dans la clairière, bluette mazurka op.26, (from The 'Etude Magazine, 1908 Jan.)
Staccato Polka, (from The Etude Magazine, 1909 Feb.)
A dream : for voice and piano (text from A.Procter)
Wake Thee, for choir and piano (text from T. Moore)